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Jiarun Electric Appliance
佳潤電器Jiarun Electric Appliance 杭州佳潤電器有限公司成立于2006年,坐落于風景秀麗的浦陽江畔,東臨國際旅游勝地——美麗的西子湖,坐擁西湖姊妹湖——湘湖。地理位置優越、交通便利,距杭州蕭山國際機場僅30分鐘車程。 公司現有生產基地8000平方米,通過公司上下的共同努力悉心經營,現擁有高速沖床9臺,烤漆線一條,壓鑄機4臺,端蓋機兩臺,各類大小沖床70余臺。擁有眾多高技術及行業內多經驗研發人員,擁有大量各型號沖片產品的精密模具。先進的設備,精湛的技術,為產品質量提供了可靠的保證。 公司自創建以來,與國內外各大電機生產企業以及沖片需求商長期合作,公司產品獲得了各合作伙伴的認可、信賴與支持。本公司同時承接來圖開模加工、來料加工。 公司一貫以恪守信譽,追求最佳的客戶價值為宗旨,以質量效益求生存,以服務信譽求發展。竭誠歡迎廣大用戶,各界朋友光臨、洽談、合作。 Hangzhou jiarun electric appliance co., LTD was established in 2006, which is located at the bank of puyang river with beautiful scenery and the beautiful west lake of international tourist resort in the east. Company's existing production base of 8000 square meters, up and down through the company to the joint efforts of the careful management, now has high-speed punch 9 units, a painting line, die-casting machine 4 units, two end cover machines, all kinds of size punch more than 70 sets have many high technology and industry experience in research and development personnel, and have a large number of each type plate product precision mould advanced equipment, exquisite technology, to provide a reliable guarantee of product quality. Since its establishment, the company has been cooperating with major domestic and foreign electrical manufacturing enterprises and stamping demand suppliers for a long time. The company's products have been recognized and trusted by all partners, and the company also undertakes processing of incoming materials. The company has been adhering to the credibility, the pursuit of the best customer value for the purpose, quality and efficiency to survive, to service reputation for development wholeheartedly welcome the majority of users, friends from all walks of life to negotiate cooperation. ![]() |